On 5/8/2022 3:42 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 6:37 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

    On 08-05-2022 05:58, Bruce Kellett wrote:

    > It is when you take the SE to imply that all possible outcomes exist
    > on each trial. That gives all outcomes equal status.

    All outcomes can exist without these being equally likely. One can
    models based on more branches for certain outcomes, but these are
    models that may not be correct.

Such models are certainly inconsistent with the SE. So if your concern is that the SE does not contain provision for a collapse, then you should doubt other theories that violate the SE. You can't have it both ways: you can't reject collapse models because they violate the SE and then embrace other models that also violate the SE. Either the SE is universally correct, or it is not.

    What matters is that such models can be
    formulated in a mathematically consistent way, which demonstrates
    there is n o contradiction. The physical plausibility of such
    models is
    another issue.

This has been discussed. To allow for real number probabilities, the number of branches on each split must be infinite.

I don't think that's a problem.  The number of information bits within a Hubble sphere is something like the area in Planck units, which already implies the continuum is a just a convenient approximation.  If the area is N then something order 1/N would be the smallest non-zero probability.  Also there would be a cutoff for the off-diagonal terms of the density matrix.  Once all the off-diagonal terms are zero then it's like a mixed matrix and one could say that one of the diagonal terms has "happened".


The measure problem for infinite numbers of branches has not been solved. It is unlikely that any consistent measure over infinite numbers of branches can be defined. So this idea is probably a non-starter. At least other models have a reasonable chance of success.


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