But it depended on religion and religious belief to function as it did.


On 8/22/2022 1:18 AM, Tomasz Rola wrote:
In case of Inquisition, I gave you the rule to determine if they were
doing their abuses for the faith or for themselves. Here is what
Jewish wikipedia says:

start quote



     It was widely accepted that the Inquisition existed only to rob
     people, as they openly affirmed (Kamen, The Spanish Inquisition, p
     150). Both rich and poor knew that it was the rich who were most
     at risk. The fact that the Inquisition funded itself from the
     property it confiscated meant that it burned people on
     commission. Individual inquisitors also funded themselves,
     acquiring great wealth during their careers. Some inquisitors were
     known to have fabricated evidence in order to extort money from
     their victims, but even when discovered they received no
     punishment. Similarly their staff of helpers, called familiars,
     were free to commit crimes without fear of punishment by the
     secular courts. After 1518 this was formalised. Familiars enjoyed
     immunity from prosecution similar to benefit of clergy or modern
     diplomatic immunity. This provided another cause of popular
     scandal, along with their exemption from taxation .

end quote

So, seems to me, the Holy Inquisition was more like private
enterprise, and great career for those who accused.

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