True. Religion didn't do a damn thing really to improve the human condition, 
say in Europe. It did seem to as a practice stop formal human sacrifice, and 
eventually eliminate slavery and replaced it with serfdom, where farmers were 
tied to the land, and obliged to work the lord's lands, turn over a portion or 
crops to the master, and do repair work on the monor & churches. I'd say this 
was better than the Roman Latifundia which was all slavery and family could be 
sold, etc. 
This was called Feudal times and the serfs suffered when noble went against 
noble and the body count of the serfs went up. Not very Christian of them. In 
Islam, it was constant fighting and they struggle between Sunni and Shia goes 
on (on and on) to this day, upon who is the rightful heir to Muhammad?
My thinking is that before the Crusades, Islam was a bit different, wherein the 
afterlife as the primary reward was emphasized even more than before, because 
if one is young and dies in battle against the Kuffar, the big compensation 
was/is sex. Because if one is going to die, one requires compensation. 
So what now? We are having technologies like 3D printing that promise to 
eliminate want, if we get good at it? We have the idea of producing goods from 
renewables,  like algae and mushrooms and yes, hemp. Vertical farms, solar, 
whatever else we can cook up. 
What about ethical behavior? Moral, being tied to a supernatural theme, and 
ethical being tied to being fair. A bigger view of the universe is part of the 
deal and the more we advance, the more of the human world expands. Maybe we 
kill over land and power because earth is all we have? He is a stone that 
knocks down 2 existential problems, although it is very far off!
This is very far away, but is within physics as it is understood.

Hey, it was in Popular Mechanics, it's got to be true! Beyond this is the 
notion of Dyson Spheres around red dwarf stars nearby, which according to 
astrophysicists will last some 2- 10 trillion years. Halfway to the Omega Point 
or Big Rip or..?
For some reason I envision our descendents, flesh, mechanical, or quantum, as 
hunkering down among the red dwarfs on Dyson Spheres, relaxing and waiting out 
"End O' Days," enjoying things.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Meeker <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 22, 2022 12:31 pm
Subject: Re: Christian Adolf and adolfic Christians [was: Re: What Threshold 
Threat of CO2]

But it depended on religion and religious belief to function as it did.


On 8/22/2022 1:18 AM, Tomasz Rola wrote:
> In case of Inquisition, I gave you the rule to determine if they were
> doing their abuses for the faith or for themselves. Here is what
> Jewish wikipedia says:
> start quote
>      [
>      ]
>      It was widely accepted that the Inquisition existed only to rob
>      people, as they openly affirmed (Kamen, The Spanish Inquisition, p
>      150). Both rich and poor knew that it was the rich who were most
>      at risk. The fact that the Inquisition funded itself from the
>      property it confiscated meant that it burned people on
>      commission. Individual inquisitors also funded themselves,
>      acquiring great wealth during their careers. Some inquisitors were
>      known to have fabricated evidence in order to extort money from
>      their victims, but even when discovered they received no
>      punishment. Similarly their staff of helpers, called familiars,
>      were free to commit crimes without fear of punishment by the
>      secular courts. After 1518 this was formalised. Familiars enjoyed
>      immunity from prosecution similar to benefit of clergy or modern
>      diplomatic immunity. This provided another cause of popular
>      scandal, along with their exemption from taxation .
> end quote
> So, seems to me, the Holy Inquisition was more like private
> enterprise, and great career for those who accused.

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