On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 11:03 AM Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.net>

*> I mean... I don't know what to tell you. You really think that the most
> likely explanation for her hiring someone to install an email server in her
> bathroom instead of using existing government infrastructure is her "being
> sloppy"?*


> * > Really?*

Yes really.

> *Then why would she bother doing this?*

Because official government email servers are notoriously slow, cumbersome
to set up , run on ancient hardware and software intend to Crash often, and
are unintuitive to use. It's bizarre, I'm talking about Trump's high
treason and you're talking about Hillary's email server that didn't conform
to regulations.

> *>Well, she's not a reptilian and she is not part of some weird satanic
> pedophilic cult related to pizza. I guess we can agree on that.*

I'm glad to know that you're not a member of QAnon.

> *> Everything pretty much came to light. It is the usual boring
> corruption. She was in bed with the military-industrial complex and with
> the banks. She serves those people at the detriment of the common person.*

You said it yourself, on the corruption scale she's about average for a
politician, not unusual and rather boring; Trump on the other hand elevates
corruption to an unprecedented level, up to and including high treason. The
US Constitution can easily survive a president as "corrupt" as Hillary, but
I don't think it can survive another 4 years of a president as corrupt as

>  * > She is a corrupt politician who works for those in power*

You know of a politician who doesn't?  It's true, Hillary wasn't perfect,
welcome to the real world.

*> Sure, Trump is much worse than Clinton.*

Then what the hell are we arguing about?

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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