Telmo, Trumpy went after Assad when it was shown that he dropped barrels of 
poison gas on kids in his own country. This was using the old Stalinist style 
of warfare, as we see repeated , in today's Ukraine, and the Ayatollahs in 
Tehran against their women. 
Nuclear war is my fear today, not climate change, and say, if there is nuclear 
war between Iran and Israel, count on radioactive fallout (Not the Game 
Fallout) being swirled into the EU. I am not a climatologist, meteorologist, or 
physicist, but I would think that that exposure from such a catastrophe, would 
make the Chernobyl accident look like a summer day in a park. Meaning, yes to 
deaths from radiation poisoning from the fallout, plus mass panic. 
The leftist here in the US are committed to being against Trump, not out of 
policy, which is essential for survival, but for group loyalty, plus ideology. 
Keeping Vlad out of Europe was something Trump did better than Obama, and his 
successor, Joe. I give Trump credit for achieving this. The Ukraine happened on 
Joe's watch because of policy, and the disastrously, bad run by Joe from 
Afghanistan. Showed weakness, just as Obama's cowardice on the 9/11/12 crap in 
Policy means everything, and personality is what the Left here, reacts to as 
Pavlov's dogs reacted to meat powder. 
I liked Trump's policies and yes his personality was and is grating, but he 
wasn't a coward, which is why the dem's fear him. They react, but never 
analyze. Reason gets abandoned. 
The same is true for ideologists on the right. If Joey does something about the 
Ukraine against Putin, they dog him. 
Be well in any case.

Original Message-----From: Telmo Menezes <>
To: Brent Meeker <>; 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Sent: Thu, Oct 20, 2022 4:19 pm
Subject: Re: The ex-president admits he gave top-secret information to somebody 
without a security clearance

#yiv0503666309 p.yiv0503666309MsoNormal, #yiv0503666309 

Am Do, 20. Okt 2022, um 20:45, schrieb Brent Meeker:

On 10/20/2022 9:29 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

Am Do, 20. Okt 2022, um 17:56, schrieb John Clark:

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 11:03 AM Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

> I mean... I don't know what to tell you. You really think that the most 
> likely explanation for her hiring someone to install an email server in her 
> bathroom instead of using existing government infrastructure is her "being 
> sloppy"?


> Really?

Yes really.  

> Then why would she bother doing this?

Because official government email servers are notoriously slow, cumbersome to 
set up , run on ancient hardware and software intend to Crash often, and are 
unintuitive to use. It's bizarre, I'm talking about Trump's high treason and 
you're talking about Hillary's email server that didn't conform to regulations.

Well the emails that did not conform to regulations contained some details from 
the BBC article that you neglected to address. I will leave a few here.

"According to the latest leaked emails, Mrs Clinton told a Goldman Sachs 
conference she would like to intervene secretly in Syria.
She made the remark in answer to a question from Lloyd Blankfein, the bank's 
chief executive, in 2013 months after she left office as secretary of state.
"My view was you intervene as covertly as is possible for Americans to 
intervene," she told employees of the bank in South Carolina, which had paid 
her about $225,000 to give a speech."
"In a 12-page memo written by Doug Band, a longtime aide to Bill Clinton, he 
describes using his consulting firm to raise money for the Clinton Global 
Initiative as well as direct personal income for the former president.
Mr Band rallied clients of his firm, Teneo, to contribute directly to Mr 
Clinton for "in-kind services for the President and his family - for personal 
travel, hospitality, vacation and the like" referring to that fund as "Bill 
Clinton Inc".
Several companies directly paid the former president for his speeches or 
advice, as well as making contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative. 
Republicans have criticised this, saying it allowed corporations to pay for 
access to the former president.
One client, Coca Cola, received a face-to-face meeting with the former 
president at his home in 2009, after contributing millions to the non-profit 
"The Clinton campaign tried to reschedule the Illinois presidential primary to 
a month later, so as to make it less likely that a moderate Republican would 
get a boost following the Super Tuesday primaries.
"The Clintons won't forget what their friends have done for them," future 
Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook wrote in the November 2014 email to Mr 

I don't see anything illegal or even clearly unethical in that list.  It looks 
like innuendo from Fox News.

It's the BBC... The British news organization with the Churchillian gravitas 
that you guys admire so much.

So let me get this straight: Hillary Clinton was privately briefing Goldman 
Sachs on an event that she was payed 225K to attend on how she was planning a 
war in secret that was unpopular with the public.

Now that I put it this way, this must be the most American thing that I read in 
weeks. Maybe you guys are right, I guess I'm too European for this (although we 
are the ones dealing with the humanitarian crisis that arise from your 
"escapades" in the Middle East).



  Have the Clinton's siphoned off money from their non-profit foundation for 
personal use?  That would not be terribly surprising, but nothing says they 
did.  Getting people and corporations to contribute to a foundation is 
commonplace and in principle benign.

> Sure, Trump is much worse than Clinton.

Then what the hell are we arguing about?

We are arguing about the fact that if you insist of giving people a choice 
between a turd sandwich and an even bigger turd sandwich that the establishment 
also does not like, you shouldn't be terribly surprised if they pick the latter 
just to spite you.


  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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