I'll be convinced if they succeed making such a system do original research in, say, theoretical physics or mathematics and get lots of high quality research results published that gets los of citations for groundbreaking work, rather than small improvements of details of existing work. If the next Feynman, Einstein, or John on Neumann is an AI system then skeptics can continue to argue that the system is still just a dumb computer, but the world will then have moved on with those AI systems becoming an ever more important part of society.

I'm not convinced that the present GPT systems are demonstrating human-level intellect. Our brains are very powerful computers that we can use in a very inefficient way to do academic work with. If the brain of a lizard were fully dedicated to analyze and process texts instead of controlling its body to react optimally to its environment, it would likely also perform extremely well compared to these GPT systems.

The way one would be able to see that the system despite performing extremely well does not have the intellectual capabilities of a human being, would be to follow up on gaps in its knowledge and see if it can learn from its mistakes and master new subjects.

So, in the video we see that it got a question wrong because it thought that 33 is a prime number. I would be more impressed by a system that may make many more mistakes like that than this GPT system made, but where there is a follow-up conversation where the mistakes are pointed out and the system shows that it has learned and then gets similar questions that it would previously have gotten wrong given the previous answers, correct.


On 16-03-2023 18:30, John Clark wrote:
Forget the Ukraine war, forget climate change, forget Donald Trump, I
now think GPT-4 is by far the most world shaking event and the most
underreported one.  Many of us have been talking about the singularity
for decades, but now it looks like we're on its doorstep. You've got
to look at this video!

4 Tests Reveal Bing (GPT 4) ≈ 114 IQ (last test is nuts) [1]

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis [2]


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