On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:38 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 05:27, stefmit wrote:
> > I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere
> > has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> > libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> > regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I
> > NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
> > in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> >
> > Installation failed:
> >         libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> >
> > I have tried everything one can imagine, in regards to previously posted
> > advices, from creating symlinks to existing libs, to modifying
> > /etc/ld.so.conf, to rerunning ldconfig ... etc. I almost envy winblows
> > users now, who can install multiple versions of dll-s in the directories
> > of the executables, and they run programs fine. I have been trying to
> > keep the system "urpmi database" friendly, but this way I won't be able
> > to install different libraries, as installing the ones I need, from
> > source, would probably have undesired effects.
> >
> > What are you - people - doing with the programs requiring different
> > libraries than what MDK provides? Or are you using only MDK packaged
> > programs?
> Usually a problem like this indicates I've downloaded the wrong RPM for
> my distribution. If it turns out that it is the right RPM, I'll try
> --nodeps and see if it can install and run.
> > Another perfect example of something needed, but impossible to install in
> > MDK9.1: nagios 1.1 (the www part), which - yet again - cannot install
> > because of the same issue of libraries (and - by the way - the packagers
> > from MDK decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0
> > install all over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which
> >
> > TIA,
> > Stef
> >
> > P.S. Speaking of nagios - the person who contributed the nagios packag
> > for MDK9.1 decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0
> > install all over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which
> > are based on a /usr/local/nagios consolidated directory install. I spent
> > almost a week adjusting all config files to take into account the new
> > "placement", MDK9.1 specific, and I (hope) documented everything. If
> > anybody is interested, I can clean the docs up and send them over. What a
> > PITA that was!!!
> no different than what is done with Apache... the compile-from-source
> package puts everything related to foobar in /usr/local/foobar because
> that's where it is expected. The came-with-the-OS package (or contrib in
> this case) puts all configuration in /etc, all logs in /var, all
> libraries in /usr/lib, etc. That's the way distros are. If you don't
> want to do it that way, then download the source from nagios.org and
> configure it, then make rpm.

Sure - wish you were right ... you probably missed the other part of the 
email: I WANTED to use nagios from the source (i.e. 1.1), as it was fixed for 
a couple of things. But the www part won't install ... guess why? Because of 
some libraries problems, which ... and here I can start all over again with 
my original email ...

I guess the question still is: when you NEED a specific library, and "ln -s" 
-ing with existing one won't work, WHAT are you doing?

> Besides, Nagios is a royal PITA to configure anyway... it took a week to
> figure out how to do it, yes -- but conversion of my config to Oden's
> RPM was only an hour. Now, figuring out that it wouldn't run in msec
> level 4, that took some significant time :-)


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