On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> Actually I think he has got a point and everybody misunderstood him. IMHO
> he wasn't bashing Mandrake, but merely stating a Linux general problem. 
> The libraries and dependencies thing is linux is really a big PITA. Each
> time I want to install something which is not in my standard distro I have
> to go through the pains of hell for searching for dependencies. As far as
> urpmi is concerned it does a great job, but since it cannot resolve
> dependencies outside the mdk distro, it doesn't help much. I hate Winblows
> and still dream of the day when I could totally switch to linux, but linux
> is not making things very easy for us who want to switch to it. In winblows
> I don't have to give a rats ass about dependencies. Most programs come with
> the needed library statically binded or depends on libraries which are
> already in the distros of about 5 major types of winblows on the use at
> this time. 


My point EXACTLY - thank you, Adrian. You see - unlike many of you on this 
list, I am NOT a Linux guru - I am a network geek, by all means, and I really 
got a kick out of Linux the first time I discovered it can run tcpdump 
(1993-4-5?!? ... can't even remember). I LOVE Linux, but I never did 
development on its platform, and the only time I really touched *nix 
programming was in school, for Tannenbaum's Minix (awesome!) OS design class. 
And ever since, I have looked toward Linux as my platform of choice for TOOLS 
for networking and security ... but in the last couple of years it became 
more and more bloated, trying to gain a market it has NO CHANCE of conquering 
(desktop), moving in the direction of Windows, with light-years behind it in 
regards to ease of use. And you know what? It SHALL NOT be easy to use (as in 
GUI/KDE/Gnome-like - at least not as a unique purpose! ... perhaps it can 
come as a by-product, when everything is stable enough to be worth looking in 
that direction). And all this with the price of incompatibility with the 
things supposed to be used for ...

I have a group I am in charge with, of very sharp network gurus, whom I am 
trying to continuously push toward Linux, while my job keeps me more and more 
away from this, more into responsibilities of what I call "pie-chart 
creation" :( ... but even this bias toward Linux as a platform comes with a 
huge price: countless hours spent on trying to make things work under Linux 
(ntop, nagios, snort, mrtg, rancid, etc.), to the point when the 
time*resources spent cannot justify anymore the *assumed" costless choice of 
running such things on Linux. Many times I have to humbly recognize my 
failure when being asked by the CEO: why didn't you buy X, or Y, or Z, pay 
$$$ on MS W2K and MS SQL, and get YOUR JOB (networking and security!!) done? 
And many times I have no answer ...

Sorry for the off-topic comments above ... all I was hoping was to find the 
"recipe" for libraries issues in Linux, primarily for Mandrake. I got some 
good advices, and I got some new ideas to try, but mostly I got "yes, this 
and that are weird". Thank you all for helping. I sure hope things will get 
back to where I met Linux first time: Yggdrasil's distro ... what a hell of a 
time we had together, then ;) ... while trying to resolve my MDK issues ... 
and wondering if they are really only mine?!? 


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