On Monday 10 Nov 2003 1:04 am, James Sparenberg wrote:
> As for spam filtering.  Can't find one that works right in windows.
> Just flat not fine grained enough or easy enough for someone like
> my wife to use/install.  Some things are admin tasks and need to
> remain that way.  No matter what OS.
James, under Mdk I run POPFile 
If you haven't looked at it, you should.  I understand it is 
cross-platform, and I am going to try it on a windows box as soon as 
I can.  Certainly under linux it is extremely simple both to install 
and to train/run.  It achieves better thn 99% accuracy all the time.

Assuming that the windows version is anything like the linux one, this 
is going to be far more practical than the complex ones more commonly 
used, and it just works.

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