Comment below:


--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > Judy, I wasn't so much presenting a dichotomy as suggesting
> > that the constant criticism of Barry's is at least partially,
> > a function of your dislike of the personality that fronts his
> > arguments or posts.  To me your use of the term "general
> > phoniness" is dispositive of my feeling that Barry just gets
> > under your skin; he speaks (writes) and you hear fingernails
> > on the chalkboard, over and above any argument or point he
> > might be making.
> If you think about it, Marek, how do we know
> anyone's personality on an electronic forum
> except via what they write? I have no reason
> to dislike Barry other than how I feel about
> what he writes.
> Unless I'm completely misunderstanding you,
> it looks to me as if you have it backwards.
> It's not that I don't like what he writes
> because I dislike him, but rather that I
> dislike him because I don't like what he
> writes: his posts are, IMHO, intellectually
> lazy, dishonest, hypocritical, and generally
> phony--with a few exceptions here and there.
> Also false is his claim that I disliked him
> on sight because he was "doing everything that
> TM and Maharishi considers wrong and getting
> away with it." But the attitude exemplified by
> phrases like this--the arrogance and self-
> puffery--did have a lot to do with it, as well
> as the dishonesty exemplified in his
> characterization of why I dislike him.
> To the degree that my dislike of him has
> anything to do with TM, it's because of his
> misrepresentations of it and his propensity to
> unfairly and dishonestly attack MMY and TMers.
> But then, I don't much like anybody who
> misrepresents people's perspectives and who
> unfairly and dishonestly attacks them, no
> matter who they are or what they believe.

Judy, it is exactly your characterizations of Barry as being "arrogant" and 
full of "self-
puffery" that again indicate that it is, at least partially, his personality 
that you don't like 
over and above his content.  I agree with you that Barry sometimes plays fast 
and loose 
but that's his style of discourse and discussion; and it's a "style" that you 
don't agree with 
and that "style" of writing and argument appears to rankle you endlessly.

As has been pointed out before, you are not going to change Barry's style and 
else is just as likely to recognize it and either comment on it or ignore it as 
they see fit; so 
why waste your time with constant carping?  Nothing is going to change there.

This has been hashed out many, many times and I apologize for renewing the 
issue but it 
is always so dismaying to me when you and Barry spend so much time and energy 
swipes at each other.  

And I never commented on it before but I love the picture you posted of 
yourself (version 


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