--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
> Have you actually studied the history of Nazi Germany?

Not formally in a classroom, but I've done quite
a bit of reading about it.

> You are right in thinking that "whatever the people of a country 
are into, a Hitler could take it and run with it," but this is not 
what happened in the case of Nazi Germany. Do you actually know how 
carefully Goebbels designed his propaganda machine or how closely the 
educational system, the media, and the entertainment world were 
controlled and designed to create what I have described down to the 
aesthetic? a

How is this different from what I said that you 
just agreed with, Angela?

Nazism took advantage of what the German people
were involved in and institutionalized it, based
their propaganda on it, distorting it wildly in
the process.

That could have been done with *any* cultural
phenomenon to end up with a fascistic dictatorship.

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