There is a big difference between calling a person you are sharing a forum with 
stupid and calling a libretto stupid.  I do not like Wagner's librettos.  I am 
aware that he was into Gesamtkunstwerk, and I have read all of them.  Hell, 
I've even gone to see some of them performed at the Bayreuth Wagner festival 
when I was at the university there. You need to reserve tickets years in 
advance, but I have a fairly close friend who sang the female lead in many of 
them, and so I got in free. You can't really assume that I don't know what I'm 
talking about on the basis of a few emails, especially when you've already 
decided that I'm silly.  a

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               --- In, Angela Mailander 
 > I've noticed that folks in this forum like to call one another stupid 
 without actually knowing anything in any depth about what's being 
 Heck, some folks on this forum even like to call
 Wagner's librettos stupid without actually knowing
 anything in any depth about them.

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