Oh I do notknow muchabout him really, only what I see on the news. He 
sems like a nice guy and it would be great to see a balck president 
of the USA. But not being American it is not my call so I must not 
put my spoke in.  As for Muslims I have met some great ones. A friend 
of mine won the Nobel Prize along with two others) for uniting two of 
the four fundemental forces of the physical universe, and he was both 
a Muslim and a mystic. I have met some grat Christians and all the 
othjer types. Atheists, Pageans, Witches (so called) et al.  But, 
like people, you get the scum-bamgs in all groups.  I have nothign 
aginsts most fundies but those who are fataticial and into terirism 
are another ball game, but they are a tiny minority. Most people 
simply want to live their live and bring their kids up happy and 
healthy.  But I doubt if that guy could be worse than some past 
American Persidents; and the same applies to leaders of other nations 
too.  One gets what one votes for alas. I personaly think that Ragan 
was the most dangerous git of all of them. I did quite like Bill 
Clinton actualy - despite his wild ways :- )


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/5/08 8:07:15 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> Have  Americans got a problem with Muslims  then?
> Jim.
> Evidently Judy thinks so because in my original post I referred to 
Obama as  
> a Muslim and she and a couple others became overly defensive of it, 
calling it 
> a  dirty trick and a lie etc. and calling me a xenophobe and a 
racist. You 
> know,  the common attack liberals make against people that don't 
share their 
> political  agenda. Yet she was the one all upset at Obama being 
referred to as a 
> Muslim as  if it were an insult and a smear. I think the average 
Muslim in the 
> know would  have said "No, he's not a Muslim even though his father 
and step 
> father were." I  doubt they would have taken it as a smear, 
probably more as a 
>  complement.
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