--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mr. Ed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> India vs. LSD
>      I latched on to that comparison immediately......Both are full 
> of vibrant colors, in both trips everything seems intensely 
> significant, and then there's the bugs crawling on 
> ya.......sorry....a little off topic, but unfortunate nonetheless.

A mosquito net protects you from such surprises during sleep.

>      Seriously while I don't know that the author of the Gita 
> intended for it to pave the way for the caste system, so many great 
> ideas, so much inspiration and beauty have come from the subcontinent 
> that I'd thoroughly dig a visit there. Any culture that could produce 
> Buddha is cool by me.....Has anyone else made the connection of 
> Buddha being to Hinduism what Jesus was to Judaism? 

I think I have read that somewhere, or maybe a comparision between
Buddhism and Protestantism, I am not sure, but Buddhism has been seen
as a reformatory movement to Hinduism by many. Buddhism has a much
greater appeal to westerners,as it is more rational, and obviously
less discriminatory. Hinduism OTOH is irrational, colorful, manifold
and difficult to comprehend.

> Or am I just non 
> retardedly challenged? Not entirely the same.....but they were both 
> well versed in their culture's religious traditions but both kinda 
> said......"this might be simpler than all this superfluous ceremonial 
> stuff yer doin." And in both cases their followers created their own 
> superfluous ceremonial mummery and far out religious groups and 
> organizations that are often hard to connect with the life and actual 
> teachings of these two people. Don't get me wrong.....I LOVE what 
> Japan has done with Buddhism......Like the Nichiren Sect that teaches 
> it's adherents to chant "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" because these syllables 
> are so sacred that merely uttering them brings you into alignment 
> with the deeper underlying energy of the universe....
> .....I KNOW! I'm like, what a coincidence! WHere have I heard that 
> kinda thing?........
> By the way, I would never advocate the use of ANY drugs.....I've 
> NEVER done any of them so I'm SURE they have NOTHING to 
> offer..... :) "I've 'heard' that LSD makes everything colorful and 
> significant.........and makes you think you've got bugs crawling on 
> ya.........Just remember......If drugs were Flinstone Vitamins, LSD 
> would be the 'Great Gazoo'.....NEVER mix yer Gazoos with yer 
> Dinos..............just....jus' DON'T.......
>     Now, if religions were Flinstone Vitamins........yeah, this is 
> stoopit.....good night y'all.

I haven't done LSD either or hallucinogenic drugs. I had marihuana
first in India 93 - was sorta nice but gave me a headache later. And
probably one inhale which I coughed out immediately at the Kumbh in
Allahabad, which I had, just to be nice to a Naga Baba - but that had
a great effect.

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