raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> 
>> wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> raunchydog wrote:
>>>>> Did you see this? "Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna 
>> cum
>>>>> laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
>>>>> driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so 
>> narcissistic that
>>>>> our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush 
>> is
>>>>> president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
>>>>> strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for 
>> America to 
>>>>> vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
>>>>> president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black 
>> quarterbacks.
>>>>> Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a 
>> peg.
>>>>> http://tinyurl.com/6h75l6";
>>>>> My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first "black" 
>> president.
>>>>> He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked 
>> down on
>>>>> them. For this the Clintons were considered "hillbilly white 
>> trash" by
>>>>> the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
>>>>> intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them 
>> racist
>>>>> while his elite college educated audience, laughing 
>> condescendingly,
>>>>> thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of 
>> the
>>>>> Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists 
>> clinging to
>>>>> guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the 
>> election. 
>>>>> McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He 
>> can do
>>>>> that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank 
>> media
>>>>> and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me 
>> off
>>>>> trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not 
>> believing
>>>>> Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect 
>> before
>>>>> you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
>>>> It's the Republicans who think you're dumb.  Otherwise why would 
>> the
>>> put 
>>>> up candidates that the dumbasses would identify with?  You'll 
>> vote for 
>>>> them and they'll steal your money as they have done the last eight
>>> years.
>>>> If you were in school and needed some help with your math 
>> assignments 
>>>> would you ask someone who is a C student or someone who is an A 
>>>> student?  If you were looking for a good lawyer would you choose 
>> one
>>> who 
>>>> barely passed the law exam or someone who not only passed the law 
>> exam 
>>>> but also teaches law courses at a college?  Would you choose a 
>> doctor 
>>>> who barely made it through medical school only with influential 
>> help 
>>>> from his dad who was also a doctor and an alumni contributor to 
>> the 
>>>> college or someone who flew through medical school with flying 
>> colors 
>>>> and was noted for their research?
>>>> So if you were choosing a world leader who  is going to meet with 
>> other 
>>>> world leaders would you choose someone who barely understands 
>> global 
>>>> issues and can't think on their feet or someone who not only
>>> understands 
>>>> those issues but also is able to make clear decisions and 
>> communicate 
>>>> them well with other intelligent world leaders?
>>>> If you want the US to become a third world country then choose 
>> the kind 
>>>> of leader who will trash it into one.  I, for one, don't want 
>> that, 
>>>> however it may be too late.
>>>> And also ask yourself are you better off than you were eight 
>> years ago?
>>> Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
>>> hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
>>> Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, 
>> http://tinyurl.com/6437pk
>>> McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
>>> Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
>>> relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
>>> whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
>>> except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
>>> themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the 
>> polls
>>> by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
>>> quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's 
>> right
>>> he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted 
>> Hillary
>>> to carry his sorry ass over the finish line, why didn't all the
>>> blogger boys glorify her candidacy instead of that whining wimp they
>>> want in the White House?  Now that everyone thinks it a good idea 
>> for
>>> Hillary to fight his battles, are they admitting Hillary was the
>>> better candidate? After all the vile sexist crap the blogs dumped on
>>> her at DKos Hillary should just give them all the middle finger 
>> salute
>>> like Obama did to her. Besides, Biden, if he's not too loaded, 
>> should
>>> be doing Obama's dirty work on Palin, VP to VP, not Hillary.
>> Great post.
>> I've wondered in the last week whether Biden has ever been approached 
>> to step down and let Hillary fill the VP spot on the ticket.
>> Does anyone doubt that had it been known that Palin was going to be 
>> McCain's choice that Barky Hussein would have chosen Hillary instead 
>> of Biden?
>> By the way, first time I've heard him called "Barky"...love it.
> Ahhh! A fellow traveler from the kool-aid free zone of FF Life. 
> Thanks. Biden will fall down drunk before he steps down. 
> http://tinyurl.com/57rcud. Hillary would be out of her mind to be VP
> on Obama's Titanic. McCain picked Palin to fire up the evangelical
> base, and appeal to swing voters who comprise at least a third of
> Hillary's support. Many of Hillary's women don't agree with Palin's
> ideology but may vote for McCain in protest of a stolen election.
> These women didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Party left them
> when no one defend Hillary against sexism and no one defended Bill
> from being called a racist. The Hillary voters who are most informed
> about DNC shenanigans will not vote for Obama but they may not vote
> for McCain either. They own their vote, and surprise, surprise, they
> are not ready to make nice.
> A documentary soon to be release proves that Obama's political
> operatives trained at so called "Obama Camp" to explicitly intimidate
> caucus voters http://tinyurl.com/6yhyvm. Dean disenfranchised MI and
> FL. Brazile rigged congressional districts so AA's got more delegates
> http://tinyurl.com/5st6sa. Obama used PAC money to buy delegates from
> districts that Hillary won http://tinyurl.com/6zhqvv and
> http://tinyurl.com/64lgwz. The RBC gave Obama four of Hillary's
> Michigan delegates. The DNC intimidated delegates at the convention
> and prevented a full role call vote. 
> The blatant thuggery of the Democratic Party cheated Hillary out of
> the nomination and the Obot's reply is, "Get over it." LOL. Democrats,
> the party of fairness and inclusion, didn't allow a fair election, and
> many are blissfully unaware they will pay dearly on election day. The
> DNC and Obama are to blame for lack of party unity, not Hillary.
> Newsflash for Obamabots: Obama let McCain make a jackass out of him
> for not picking Hillary as VP and set the stage for McCain show that
> he respects women more than Democrats. Bite it.
So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?  It will be just 
more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.

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