authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?
>>> raunchydog doesn't seem to have said she's going to
>>> vote for McCain. Like Sal, you're assuming if a person
>>> isn't going to vote for Obama, they *must* be going to
>>> vote for McCain, but that's obviously not the case.
>> No, you're wrong.  Look again.  I didn't say that raunchydog
>> was going to vote for McCain.  I simply asked how voting for
>> him was going to solve anything.  The question doesn't assume
>> at all that raunchydog is voting for McCain.
> Then it was a non sequitur.
No, it wasn't.
>>>   It will be
>>>> just more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.
>>> Question is, will it be just as insane with Obama,
>>> only a different *type* of insane? If the folks in
>>> the DNC who unethically wangled his nomination stay
>>> in power in the Democratic Party, what will that
>>> mean for the country?
>> Come'on now, the worst that the DNC could do would pale compared
>> to the Republicans and the Bush Crime Family have done in the last
>> eight years.
> Disagree. I think the combination of Obama in
> the White House, Pelosi and Reid in Congress,
> and Dean and Brazile running the party machinery
> is potentially deadly.
Why and in what way?

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