authfriend wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> raunchydog wrote:
> <snip>
>>> The blatant thuggery of the Democratic Party cheated Hillary
>>> out of the nomination and the Obot's reply is, "Get over it."
>>> LOL. Democrats, the party of fairness and inclusion, didn't
>>> allow a fair election, and many are blissfully unaware they will
>>> pay dearly on election day. The DNC and Obama are to blame for
>>> lack of party unity, not Hillary. Newsflash for Obamabots: Obama
>>> let McCain make a jackass out of him for not picking Hillary as
>>> VP and set the stage for McCain show that he respects women more
>>> than Democrats. Bite it.
>> So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?
> raunchydog doesn't seem to have said she's going to
> vote for McCain. Like Sal, you're assuming if a person
> isn't going to vote for Obama, they *must* be going to
> vote for McCain, but that's obviously not the case.
No, you're wrong.  Look again.  I didn't say that raunchydog was going 
to vote for McCain.  I simply asked how voting for him was going to 
solve anything.  The question doesn't assume at all that raunchydog is 
voting for McCain.
>   It will be
>> just more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.
> Question is, will it be just as insane with Obama,
> only a different *type* of insane? If the folks in
> the DNC who unethically wangled his nomination stay
> in power in the Democratic Party, what will that
> mean for the country?
Come'on now, the worst that the DNC could do would pale compared to the 
Republicans and the Bush Crime Family have done in the last eight 
years.  And you would just get more of the last eight years with McCain.

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