> > So, apparently Curtis, who faults McCain for not
> > using email, can't spell and can't count. And I 
> > doubt if Curtis has ever used any 'speech 
> > recognition software'.
> >
> I haven't needed to use it, and your point is?
If you can't type or spell or count, maybe you should
be using a bullhorn instead of a computer - I doubt
speech recognition software would make your message
any easier to understand. 

> > I'm convinced, from what I've read, that Obama wants
> > to smear McCain and Palin - one a cripple
> >
> Oh, well I'm glad to get a political correctness from 
> you Richard. Does "cripple" replace "gimp" in your 
> lexicon of sensitive terms for disabilities? I'm not 
> sure that people with shoulder and arm injuries were 
> ever called "cripples", even back in your day when 
< women were dames or broads or skirts. 
This coming from a predator who favors 'ball-gags' on
his women! Amazing.

> > and the other a woman. Obama's campaign has reached 
> > a new low! First the finger, then the 'pig', and 
> > 'stinking', then calling Sarah a liar, now making 
> > fun of the handicapped. 
> I think John Mcain would punch you in the face for 
> calling him disabled or using it as an excuse for 
> why he isn't an email user.
>From what I've read, McCains vehicle plate reads 'DV'.  

> And being into computers wont have any relevance for 
> the next president anyway, its just a passing fad.
Let's make fun of older people, and women, and the 
disabled. Let's question their patriotism. Let's lie 
and smear them, and make sexist remarks about them. 

Let's win at any cost - we will not be 'Swift Boated'!

"So, when American workers hear John McCain talking 
about putting 'Country First', it's fair to ask –- 
which country?" - Barak Obama

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