Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2008, at 8:36 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
>> So consider it a shock on my part as well that John
>> McCain refused to shake hands with a black man during
>> a Presidential debate. He *has* to have known how
>> that would look, and his disdain for Obama and his
>> sense of superiority to him is so strong that he did
>> it anyway. That made me ashamed to be white.
> Damn, I missed the 2 best moments, the handshake refusal
> as well as the "that one" moment...had the debate on but
> also had to deal with my kids.  Hello, Youtube.
> Sal
I didn't see the handshake refusal but did see the "that one" reference 
and thought it was abhorrent.  I thought maybe he had a senior moment 
and couldn't remember Obama's name (these days were all getting there).  
But the 11 o'clock news even used that moment in clips of they showed.  
McCain shouldn't be running.  He just looked like a tired and grumpy old 
man.  To me it just says the RNC felt they couldn't win this election 
and let McCain have his last hurrah.  Otherwise they probably would have 
run Romney.  I think it's all downhill for the Republicans from here.  
And damn well time for those scum.

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