On Oct 8, 2008, at 1:08 PM, sparaig wrote:

At the bottom, you see where they DO shake hands at the very end of
the debate.

In the top video, McCain kinda avoids shaking his hand again, but he redirects obama to shake Cindy McCain's hand. Watch how she holds her hands as she moves around the room. She has her hands like that the entire time unless she's shaking someone's hand (Brokaw and Obama only, not even Michelle).

The explanation they had up on TPM was that since
they had already shaken hands, McCain was presenting
his wife to Obama.  That makes a lot more sense, since
it was McCain who initiated the contact, and appeared to
simply be redirecting Obama to his wife rather than refusing
to acknowledge him.

In fact, they not only shook hands previous to that but even embraced.
Group hug, everyone! :)

Cindy is probably so uncomfortable in these situations she
doesn't really know what to do...


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