--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > The thing is, there really AREN'T enough of these
> > I'm-a-good-Pavlov's-dog-so-just-say-the-word-terrorist-
> > and-I'll-do-anything-you-want fear-driven voters to 
> > swing the election against Obama if things stay as 
> > they are today.
> >
> > But if there were to be a real terrorist event 
> > between now and the election, staged by BushCo and
> > McCain and the neocon madmen behind them, taking 
> > place on American soil, how many otherwise sane 
> > people would suddenly remember the link that the 
> > Repugs have tried to establish between Obama and 
> > terrorism *then*, eh?
> >
> > Would the Repugs do such a thing? Of course they 
> > would, if they thought they could get away with it. 
> > The only question is whether they think they could 
> > get away with it. IMO, all it would take is one 
> > small bioweapon set off in a shopping mall, and 
> > blamed on an Arab with dark skin who had been set 
> > up to take the fall, and Obama would be toast.
> >
> > Of course this is pure science-fiction speculation
> > on my part, and I hope that nothing like this ever
> > happens. The thing is, in today's America, it could.
> The buzz is that since it is inadvisable for BushCo to start 
> a war in Iran at the moment due to possible annihilation of 
> Israel as a result they are going to start one with Pakistan 
> since their puppet is out of the way.

Anything is possible, but I don't see them being
able to start another expensive war right now, 
given the economy. They don't have the money, and
they don't have the cannon fodder to send there.
My scifi exploration above would be cheap, and 
would give them the election with no continuing 
overhead, just some setup time and a few dead 
bodies. Heck, they've *already* killed more
Americans in a trumped-up war than they'd kill 
in such a faux terrorist attack. They'd just 
chalk it up to collateral damage.

Not that I think this is going to happen; as I
said, I'm just pointing out the ease with which
it *could* happen, given the mindset of the US
population right now. They went essentially insane
after 9/11, and that insanity has merely been
suppressed, not eliminated. 

This is what scifi writers and readers DO for fun,
examine possible scenarios. I posted it to 1) see 
if others can see the ease with which truly
nefarious people could do something like this, and
2) to have it on record in case someone does. 

As Ray Bradbury once said, "My job as a science
fiction writer is not to predict the futures I
see but to prevent them."  :-)

> Around here people who are voting for McCain are doing so 
> because they are afraid they'll pay higher taxes. That's what 
> Shemp's afraid of.  

Yup. Total self interest.

> Thing is I bet he doesn't make anything close to $200K a year 
> (not even $100K).  

I would agree. If he's like most people in his 
line of work, he's just a glorified phone salesman,
calling people and trying to sell them the things
the "daily sheet" he gets from his company tells
him to sell. I had two different girlfriends who
were stockbrokers and a friend who was an "estate
planner" like Shemp, and that's what they did. The
funny thing is that there is really no job security
for them, either, because if they're honest they'll
remember that it only took six months to train them
and certify them. It will take that long to train 
and certify their replacements, and if they don't
keep their sales high (they work on commission),
they *will* be replaced.

> He wouldn't get hit at all and might even get a break. 
> So stupid. Right now he is seeing his tax dollars get 
> wasted in Iraq.

And *stolen* in Iraq. When it all shakes out 
and an accounting is made (if one ever is), I
would not be surprised to find that they can
account for less than half the money sent to
Iraq for the war. The rest will have been
stolen. Just like the TMO, but on a bigger

> This morning the crusty kaffeeklatch often at Starbuck's 
> who are often discussing right leaning politics (ex-cops 
> I think and obviously not Teamsters who have a high presence 
> around here) didn't seem to have a clue that their congressman 
> was sitting a table away.  That's how clueless some of these 
> people are.

My Congressman and Senator used to come and
sit and rap in the coffee shop I used to hang
out at in Santa Fe, too. SF was, after all,
the state capital, and Downtown Subscription
clearly served the best coffee in town, so it 
was a no-brainer. Fairly nice guys, when you 
get them away from podiums.

> I finally found the schedule for the Obama voter registration 
> tables. Damn, I missed one I could have stopped by yesterday 
> morning. I'm not sure I want to bother with the BART station 
> as there is little parking around there at rush hour (where 
> they set up shop). I want to buy some buttons and stuff from 
> them. Ordering online takes too long to get shipped here. I 
> want to be in the face of the (few) McCain people 
> around here.  ;-)

I have registered for my absentee ballot, but it
hasn't arrived yet. Oddly enough, out of maybe two
dozen Americans I know in Europe, *no one's* ballot
has showed up. Fortunately, we all know ways that
we can download one if someone has interfered with
the mailings. It's pretty much a given how any 
ex-pat is going to vote.

> (Actually I have yet to see a McCain Palin bumper sticker in 
> the area but plenty of Obama Biden).

Could be as simple as that the McCain/Palin voters
can't pick out a bumper sticker because they can't
read.  :-)

I still wish the country was evolved enough to 
consider someone like Dennis Kucinich, but it isn't.
So ya gotta settle for the best ya can get, and in
this election, that's Obama. Linking him with terror-
ism ain't gonna work for me, because if he came out
and announced that his first act as President would
be to blow up the Pentagon, I'd applaud that as a 
good first step.  :-)  :-)  :-)

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