--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutphen@> wrote:
> >
> > Raunch, I don't know what to say. Its a joke. You sound like
someone in the TMO talking 
> about the dignity of the Movement. Its just a silly picture. Do you
seriously think Hilary's 
> reputation has been damaged because of this? Again, please.
> My own take is that it says something about the guy posing for the
picture who
> then went ahead and posted it to his own website.
> Given his new position, a stupid thing to do. Of course, this may
have been from
> many months ago, even before he was workign for Obama.
> Lawson
Anglachel's article "Dignity of the Office" makes the argument that
Favreau's, top writer for Obama, silly prank WILL damage Hillary's
reputation as Secretary of State IF Obama does not defend her. It says
to other countries, "Go ahead, piss on her. We do. We don't respect
you enough to send someone we respect." 

Obama shouldn't tolerate reckless behavior from any staffer that
disrespects or tarnishes the dignity of the office of the presidency.
 IMO it doesn't matter if Favreau showed joking contempt for Hillary
before or after he worked for Obama, it's still not acceptable
behavior toward a woman of Hillary's stature. Whether Favreau pulled
this stunt when Hillary was a candidate or after Obama chose her to be
Secretary of State, his behavior was disrespectful, in poor taste and
he should be fired or demoted. This would send a strong message to
other countries that Obama doesn't tolerate fools in his
administration or condone degrading treatment of women. If Obama hopes
to restore America's image and have respect in the world, he has to
lead by example.

The folks who think it's funny to grope a woman in jest, have bought
into the notion that belittling a woman for her sex is just harmless
horsing around and women shouldn't complain about it. Riverdaughter
writes, "Being plied with alcohol and groped is strong symbolism for
women.  We know that most men can out wrestle us and we are one moment
of trust away from brutalization.  Many fratboy antics are in fact
sexual assault." I agree. One frat boy in office is enough already.
I'm counting on Obama to restore dignity to the presidency and to
uphold the dignity of the office of the secretary of state.

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