It is, Sal, . . . most of the time.  So far, so good.



--- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> 
> On Jan 29, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Marek Reavis wrote:
> > What Edg pointed out earlier, however, is true for all of us, I
> > feel.  As primates we are quick to recognize distinctions and if 
> > have been trained (by education or experience) to associate 
> > differences with "bad", then it's understandable that we act and 
> > the way we do around "others".
> >
> > One of the things that I find most rewarding about my work is 
> > at times, I get to be present when a client comes to a realization
> > about "others" where he/she can draw a relationship between a 
> > that they hate and themselves.  I'm dealing right now with a young
> > man who is in a world of trouble (after a lifetime of trouble and
> > abuse) who, the last time he was in prison, abandoned his skinhead
> > affiliations by refusing to stab a black inmate on the yard, 
> > a black psychologist had shown him compassion and helped him gain
> > insight during counseling sessions with him.
> >
> > Among other things, his refusal to follow orders means that when 
> > goes back to prison he will always be in PC (protective custody 
> > from the general population and essentially confined 23 hours a
> > day).  The operative phrase is "blood in, blood out".  Initiation
> > into any of these groups (whether in prison or on the outs) 
> > the spilling of blood (the initiate's or someone else's -- or 
> > and refusal to abide by the group's code or orders from an 
> > within the group means that there is a lifetime contract on the
> > violator's life.
> >
> > It wasn't an easy choice for him to make.  His tattoos and 
> > identify him indelibly as a member of a group that he no longer
> > identifies with and can never rejoin.  He is an outcast in every
> > possible sense of the term, hated (not necessarily without good
> > reason) by all, and accepted by none.  He has told me on more than
> > one occasion how much he appreciates the work I do for him, and I
> > consider that high praise and good reward for my time.
> Great story, Marek, thanks!  Your work must be very fulfilling.
> Sal

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