--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
<curtisdeltabl...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <compost1uk@> 
> > If I say to you "tomorrow I think it might snow
> > some", and then it> doesn't. What do you think - 
> > that I LIED to you? A child might think that of
> > its parent. "Mummy you lied to me, you promised
> > snow!". 
> Agreed.  The reneging on course promises directly
> made were outright lies, or were turned into lies
> by his lack of integrity to be a man of his word.

A broken promise is not the same thing as a lie,

(If he said, "I have never broken a promise," *that*
would be a lie.)

ED11 asked you for examples of lies, i.e., when he
said something he knew wasn't true. You and others
claim he told lies all the time, as justification for
thinking the claims about his hanky-panky are likely
to be true--in other words, that he was lying when
he said he was a life celibate.

I'd be curious to know whether he can be documented
to have made this claim *after* the alleged hanky-panky
is supposed to have taken place. If it was only before,
then that wasn't a lie either.

But assuming it *was* after, and therefore an
outright lie, ED11 is asking you to document other
such outright lies.

So far, you haven't done so.

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