Curtis wrote:
> (Oops I was one of THEM!)
Are you saying, Curtis, that you taught the 'caste 
system' as part of the TM practice? If so, you sucked 
as a TM teacher! The so-called caste system has nothing 
to do with TM. And the Marshy's religious views have 
nothing to do with anything but his own mindset. 

So, what exactly were you teaching? 

The 'caste system' in modern India isn't based on skin 
color - it's based on a division of labor, just like most 
of the rest of the world. The only difference is that in 
India the people prefer to base the division of labor on 
birth circumstances, unlike in the West, which prefers
to base labor on the color of your skin. 

But, when you object to the Marshy's religious views, 
you've got to remember that it was the people of the 
Western world that imposed the caste system on the native 
inhabitants of India. It's 2009 and an the U.S. has just
elected it's first black president! Go figure.

> It is such weird irony that it was the baby boomer hippies who made
> him famous when his views were so conservative and in many cases
> represented the opposite of the egalitarian hippie movement.  And to
> hear apologists for the the caste system in the movement is a real
> disgrace to the progressive values of the best thinkers of our
> generation.  (Oops I was one of THEM!)
> Ginsberg sniffed it out early on.  It took most of us longer. 
> Maharishi was not cool.  Simple as that.

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