On Feb 23, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Curtis wrote:
When India elects a Sudra as their leader they
can brag too.

There are no 'sudras', Curtis - you're just
perpetuating the myth like you were trained to do.
But in fact, almost all of India's leaders have
been dark-skinned.

According to friends who worked on staff at MIU for very low wages, and supposedly to get on course, i.e. pay for the TM-Sidhi course, they were treated like shudras, like lesser-evolved people, who shouldn't be touched or engaged. The idea, they felt, was that more evolved people would naturally receive the "support of nature" and so they were naturally more prosperous. If you lacked money to the extent that you had to (essentially) beg to get on a course or be able to hang at MIU/ meditate in the domes, you were in effect (not only a slave of sorts), an untouchable. Or at least that's the way they felt they were treated. It's an unspoken caste system in the same sense that racism can be covert and engrained without necessarily needing out loud racial slurs or comments.

Perhaps we should start calling it the apaurusheya-jati?

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