--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <kirk_bernha...@...> wrote:
> Don't share anyone my feelings. And you comparing them to shudras, is
ludicrous.  That's your feeling Bub and don't forget it.

Gosh Kirk. Did you forget your flute? Like all nagas, when pressed even
slightly, little vaj the naag will kiss you with his fangs. Don't like
the burning sensation rushing up your arm toward your heart? Better grab
that flute! Even if you can't charm the little naag fast enough to quiet
it from striking again, at least you can be quick to smack flat that
vituperative, swaying head.

And such a vicious little head it is. Made like this by the gods to keep
us honest and forthright. Just ask the little naag – as it chants to
itself while it sways. Knows its purpose doesn't it - self proclaims it,
even in the dark.

This isn't Buddhist behavior – so I ask you – is it Nath?

By the way, for the past 16 yrs, I've hung with Tantrikas who got
started with Trungpa. I've also been on retreats with original
Trunpa students, innerscapers who served him personally day and night
and drank a lot with him.

My conclusion is that little naga vaj talks from books and gossip.

Trungpa was the ultimate enabler and his organization was riddled with
exploitative hustlers. Yet he did important work and led many people to
take up heavy lifting for a chance to get the Tantric goods. The funny
part is that most of them received the higher teachings from other
lamas. Some however are still humping the goods like porters on a safari
– and indeed they seem to be growing with every teaching they get.
Most are teachers in their own right – Trungpa brand. It may be
karma but it is certainly diligence at least and it seems to benefit
them and others.

So I ask you – notice a distinct disparity here? We can talk without
proclaiming ourselves. Gosh, this must mean we're weak. Maybe little
naga vaj will show us how to be strong, like how to sway our heads, what
angle to rake the fangs – you know, all that inner yoga stuff only
real masters can teach.

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