-very good,safe and vegetarian formulas

also you can use Blissful Joy from MAPI 2x2 if you are depressed, and the aroma 
too is good if you can afford as well

--- In, "Kirk" <kirk_bernha...@...> wrote:
> Anyone here take it - know how it works with meditation. Is it good? Worth 
> pursuing if one is actually sort of depressed? Supposedly at least 40% of 
> New Orleaneans have PTSD. Many others just naturally depressed, myself due 
> to crappy job market. Life prospects. Sidha midlife crisis includes feeling 
> stupid for sitting dreaming of hovering for countless hours and feeling 
> bitter at such a failure. (That was a joke Haha) You know I used to hate my 
> employers. I thought they were all evil bastards, but that was before 
> Katrina and a bunch of newbies showed up with bullshit schemes like profit 
> sharing and so on instead of just paying a person.  People who have no 
> freaking clue how to set up a kitchen, write a menu, create schedules, treat 
> people.  Fuck I hate cooking in New Orleans.  Somedays I wish I could crash 
> my car at 150 mph and go out in a flaming ball of wreckage.  If the Causeway 
> were clear I could pull off that speed then shoot off the lane divider and 
> flip out like fireworks over Lake Pontchartrain.  That would be cool. Uh, if 
> I had a better car. Because life is so fucked.
> On that note did anyone hear we were 'nearly missed' yesterday by an 
> asteroid that was within lunar orbit (meaning less than 100,000 miles away) 
> that would have impacted with Earth as a hundred Hiroshimas. Onward Zoloft.

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