by dissing anything that comes from the pharmaceutical industry, some of you 
are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. i swear by aspirin and when i 
have needed them, prescription pain killers (mostly for dental procedures). 

i have also seen miraculous results with SSRIs in two close friends (both 
Zoloft and Prozac). the key is to keep the doses low enough so that side 
effects are minimized. 

self medicating with street drugs, or relying on herbal remedies are not 
effective solutions in many cases.

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Peter <drpetersutphen@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > The SSRI's (Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Lexipro, etc.) are pretty good drugs for 
> > lessening the symptoms of clinical depression. Their most common side 
> > effect is some weight gain and reduced libido. But the impact they have on 
> > you might vary, that is why you want to work with a good psychiatrist who 
> > will listen to your feedback and adjust the meds when needed. As Ruth notes 
> > here, I'd avoid "herbal" remedies because they don't work. Hell, you have 
> > nothing to loose by trying them, but they don't work. 
> I suppose medicines like the SSRI's are not originally based on plants either.
> And if they are not they  m u s t be good for you. 
> Thus spoke a shrink making his living from pushing tablets produced, 
> undoubtedly, by this planet's most healthy industry.

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