--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
> --- by Kirpal Singh, "Spirituality, what it is":
> God-in-expression, there was vibration, which gave rise to
> Light and Sound principles, called by all Saints as Light
> and Udgit. God Absolute cannot be seen or heard, for
> nobody so far has seen God. God-in-expression, by way of
> Light and Sound Principles can, however, be seen and
> heard. This can only be experienced by the spirit, through
> inner vision and inner audition, which function when you
> rise above the body consciousness. The Saints also call the
> Absolute and the God-in-expression by the name of
> Mahadayal and Dayal respectively. This Sound-current is
> responsible for the various creations, the spiritual planes
> and all the realms in varying degrees and orders. This
> Sound-current descends, making pure spiritual, spirituomaterial,
> materio-spiritual and material planes, the last
> three of which dissolve in the dissolution and Grand
> Dissolution. Each of these planes has its individual
> presiding deities: Jot Niranjan, for example, is the Lord of
> And, the subtle or mental plane, and is the Creator of the
> material and physical universe, which is next below in the
> hierarchy. Onkar is the Lord of the Causal or Seed region
> and the Creator of the lower region of And, or subtle
> universe. Other Deities preside over other planes, in the
> ascending order of the system of creation. All of Them, of
> course, derive Their authority from Sat-purush or Sat
> Naam, or Dayal, or Ekankar, the highest Region.
> The spirit, as it withdraws from the body, proceeds by
> degrees from one plane to another, until it reaches Sat
> Naam or Haq. From what has been said, it should be clear
> that so far the spirit is an entity quite apart from Sat Naam.
> The Over-Lord of all is called Khasum (Lord of all),
> Swami, Hari Rai, Maha-Dayal, or Nirala, unique in
> Himself and indescribable. The spirit gets merged in Him
> just as a drop of water loses itself in the ocean, or a ray of
> light in the sun.
> 94

Nicely put.....MMY's devatas?

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