--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <kirk_bernha...@...> wrote:
> It's just that let's say 20 years ago I was sitting during 'readings' 
> 'looking into' 'the nature of mind as colors and tigle.' I asked the course 
> leader about it. You know - "It's nothing."  As it turns out this is the 
> luminous essence of ones energetic nature manifesting.  Entirely and 
> spontaneously ones own vibration manifests and no 'inner' or 'outer' can be 
> ascribed to it, thus there can be no 'coming' or 'going' with regard to self 
> vision.
> If you get a bit too into it a lot of whacky shit can be seen happening. It 
> can all get to be a bit too much.  Sometimes people who are here get the 
> term - "Togal crazy."
> But you have to 'look into' 'togel' to get the notion entirely. To look into 
> togal you would need to know something about 'trekchod,' for your mental 
> health.  Okay, thanks for reading, as if.  See ya guys later.

Kirk, here's some stuff from a real Swami like Guru Dev, enjoy!

"During deep meditation, the single or spiritual eye becomes visible as a 
bright star surrounded by a sphere of blue light that, in turn, is encircled by 
a brilliant halo of golden light. This omniscient eye is variously referred to 
in scriptures as the third eye, the star of the East, the inner eye, the dove 
descending from heaven, the eye of Shiva, and the eye of intuition. "If 
therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light" (Matthew 
6:22, KJV). "

"The light seen in meditation is the astral light from which our tangible 
creation is made. Beholding this light, one feels a unity with all things." 

Swami Paramahansa Yogananda

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