--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Well, not everyone accepts the "universal being" schtick that is
> basically a Hindu
> > > > interpretation of the TC state. As I have pointed out before, a
> strong atheist
> > > > might well attain "God Consciousness" or "Unity Consciousness' ala
> MMY's
> > > > definitions and still remain a strong atheist.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Just because YOU can't conceive of that happening doesn't mean its
> impossible,
> > > > or even unlikely. If these states really ARE natural states of
> consciousness,
> > > > then the number of interpretations of the states will be
> unlimited.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > L
> > >
> > > Lawson, your point of view is interesting.  But why do you believe
> that these states may really be natural states of consciousness?
> >
> > Shurg, why not? Recent research on sucesful athletic champions and
> managers
> > shows they fall closer to the "enlightened" part of the Brain
> Coherence Index
> > than non-champions/unsucessful managers. If that research is
> replicated by
> > idependents it might lend credibility to MMY's theory that
> enlightenment is
> > natural whlie non-enlightenment indicates sub-optimal functioning.
> Even if you accept this, isn't it a huge step from here to God
> consciousness or Unity consciousness?

Of course it is. Even Fred Travis won't discuss scientific research on GC/UC,
at least with me.

  And even if long term meditators
> and champion athletes had similar brain patterns we don't know why and
> it doesn't say anything about whether the meditators are also now
> better, faster, smarter and closer to enlightenment.   But I understand
> your interest.  This was my interest years ago, I just didn't  see
> things panning out.  The meditators simply are not exhibiting
> characteristics of highly effective  people in any noticable way.
> > >

COmpared to WHOM? Someone else, or their younger selves?

I can assure you that people DID notice a change when I first learned TM
and when I first learned the TM-Sidhis. Whether or not this change was
a result of TM/TM-Sidhis practice or not, I couldn't say.

Likewise people notice when I have NOT meditated on a given day at least once.

Whether this is a sign of not receiving ongoing benefits, a sign of the body
lacking a specific physiological state it's used to or even a sign of addiction-
withdrawal, I couldn't say. 

> > > Do you believe that TM can be taught without the puja?  What is the
> purpose of the puja?

I know that MMY was always super paranoid about the puja. That may have been
due to some mystical belief about its power, or a marekting belief, or simply
him covering his mystical derriere since he was never supposed to become a guru
but ended up fulfilling that function for many people anyway and the
pujah was his way of claiming that he wasn't the guru, Gurudev was.

> > >
> > > God consciousness by MMY:
> > >
> > > "In Maharishi's (1972) description of higher states of
> consciousness, the sixth state of consciousness, God consciousness, is
> defined by the unbounded, self-referral awareness of cosmic
> consciousness coexisting with the development of refined sensory
> perception during the three relative states of waking, dreaming, and
> sleeping. Perception and feeling reach their most sublime level, the
> finer and more glorious levels of creation are appreciated, and every
> impulse of thought and action is enriching to life (pp. 23-6?23-7). The
> sixth state is referred to as God consciousness, because the individual
> is capable of perceiving and appreciating the full range and mechanics
> of creation and experiences waves of love and devotion for the creation
> and its creator. Thus, in this state one not only experiences inner
> peace, but profoundly loving and peaceful relationships are cultivated
> with all others." http://www.mum.edu/m_effect/alexander/index.html
> > >
> > >
> > > How would an atheist interpret the part about experiencing love and
> devotion for the creator?
> >
> >
> > He's stated it different ways in other talks on the subject, IIRC.
> >
> > >
> > > I note the phrase "profoundly loving and peaceful relationships are
> cultivated with all others."  Do you believe that MMY was in this state?
> How do you reconcile it with his behavior which often showed impatience
> with others.
> > >
> >
> > How do I not I recall the story of him screaming at the Indian workers
> who
> > were slacking off while doing work, and when the TM students asked how
> > he could justify that when he had said that one should always speak
> kindly to
> > other people and his response was "Yes, but you must speak to them
> > in a language they can understand."
> Well that story doesn't put MMY in a good light.

Sure it does. A bunch of TMers were on a bus tour in the UK, notorious for
the same kind of worker-attitude as India, when the bus ran out of gas.

Being mild-mannered TMers, we all just sat around waiting for something to
happen. So did the bus driver, who had no raido or anything else. Finally,
I repeated that story to several people and we all strode up one aftrer another
and admonished him to do SOMETHING in rather gruff terms. FInally he wandered 
off and a few  minutes later returned with help in the form of an AA vehicle
 with a can of gas.

Had we not taken MMY's advice and "spoken to him in a language he could 
understand," we might have been sitting there for hours longer.

And I would have been in serious trouble with the miliitary for being hours 
late to work (it's called "AWOL" and can lead to a courts martial and I had 
in the military who would have loved to see that).


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