On Mar 25, 2009, at 10:53 AM, do.rflex wrote:

In my teacher training course, Maharishi explained that in essence, the initiator 'becomes' Guru Dev when the mantra is imparted from that deep level and given to the initiate. It's a very gentle and sublime, but powerful experience. For me personally while teaching, it has varied unpredictably in intensity.

Some times while reciting and performing the Puja I have transcended and felt that I was losing track of where I was in the recitation - however at the same time noticing that the Puja continued flowing like a river as if all by itself.

--Apparently some TM teachers don't seem to have experienced that. I have no definitive explanation for that.

As a TM teacher trained by MMY, I have always had serious reservations about introducing TM wholesale into public schools claiming it's strictly a non-religious relaxation technique. To me personally, it's blatantly dishonest.

And MMY's explanation is, in fact, a good one. The idea of the 16- fold worship is for the worshipper to unite his consciousness with the object of the worship--in this case the Guru-God as embodied in the discarnate human, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. The level of unification can occur at different levels, but the goal is always to unite with the god or goddess being invoked. It sounds to me like you simply had a very clear and innocent experience of this state.

If I am going to empower some one or some thing with a certain enlightenment-energy practice, I always unite, mentally with visualization and with mental mantra, with that force. It's this assumption of the acquired force that makes the empowerment work and flow. The proper identification with the force you're merging with is unmistakable once you're used to that presence.

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