--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii...@...> wrote:
> When we think of the concept of 'Akasha'...
> What do we think of?

" Space "

> Do we think of the 'Akashic Records', kind of thing.
> Or, do we think of Akasha as Time?
> If Akasha contains time, then it must contain all of time, eternal.
> So, therefore...Akasha must have to do with transcending time,
> In a way that slides into some kind of, what the physicist calls wormhole...
> So, actual levitation must produce or make available, some kind of wormhole...
> In the meantime, until actual levitation is produced, whatcha you ass...!
> The other thing is the Einstein theory of gravity being some kind of curved 
> space...whatever that is?
> So,...there ya go.
> R.G.

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