> > Because this space contains 'records' through time...
> >
Vaj wrote:
> "Akashic records" is an idea conjured up by the 
> Theosophists... 

According to Fa Hsiang and Hua Yen, there is a single, 
universal, and eternal 'storehouse-consciousness', the 
Alayavijnana, Tibetan, 'kun-gzhi rnam-shes'.

"Store consciousness accumulates all potential energy 
for the aggregate of the 'bodymind' (Sanskrit: namarupa), 
the mental (nama) and physical (rupa) manifestation of 
one's existence, and supplies the substance to all 

Store consciousness:

Read more:

'Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra'
By D.T. Suzuki
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959
A-laya-vijña-na p. xxvi

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