> > How does Buddhism see this space/time issue?
> >
Vaj wrote:
> Space, in the context of consciousness is seen 
> as a "suchness" or "thatness"...
In Mahayana Buddhism, there is a 'storehouse of 
consciousness', a place, where all kinds of ideas, 
in the form of 'seeds', are kept. A 'storehouse' 
is like a museum or a store where information is 
stored. A store of consciousness refers to the 
storing and also to what is stored. In Buddhist 
tradition, this information is stored as bijas, 

"The Buddha taught that consciousness is always 
continuing, like a stream of water. Consciousness 
has four layers. The four layers of consciousness 
are mind consciousness, sense consciousness, store 
consciousness, and manas."



Read more:

'Understanding Our Mind'
Fifty Verses on the Nature of Consciousness
Byy Thich Nhat Hanh
Parallax Press, 2006

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