--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "geezerfreak" <geezerfreak@> wrote:
> >
> > There is a fascination that I think we all have (those 
> > who are now outside lookin' in that is) with folks who, 
> > after all these years and all of the clear evidence in 
> > front of them, still buy the basic party line. And I 
> > don't mean this in a "petri dish" way. As I said before 
> > I am acutely aware of the fact that I held same beliefs 
> > for many years. And, the fact is....she could be right 
> > about all of this and I could be dead wrong. 
> OK, here it is, the ultimate test of whether the 
> TM defenders on this forum are fundamentalists
> and cultists or not. Geezer's simple statement 
> above is one that I heartily agree with and have 
> *no problem* "seconding." *Of course* there is a 
> possibility that the TM defenders here are right 
> and I am wrong. I am fairly certain that Curtis 
> would also have no problem agreeing with this.
> But here's the test: Can any of the TM defenders
> on this forum say that?
> WILL any of them say that?
> Judy ?
> Nabby ?
> Off ?
> I Am The Eternal ?
> Raunchydog ?
> shukra69 ?
> Jim / enlightened_dawn11 ?
> sparaig ?
> How 'bout it. It's a VERY simple question. Are
> you willing to agree with Geezerfreak's state-
> ment above, in the converse? Are you willing to 
> state categorically in public, "There is a 
> possibility that the TM critics here are right 
> and I am wrong?"
> Any of the above-listed posters who fail to 
> answer are IMO pussies.
> They can answer "Yes" or they can answer "No, 
> but failure to answer in this case can and IMO
> should be interpreted as a big, fat "No." And 
> IMO *that* should be interpreted as fundament-
> alism and the non-response of the "cultwhipped."
What's the criticism?

Judy and most other "TBers" on this forum agree with the
TM critics on certain points already. On others, they disagree
vehemently. SO, here's the converse question:

could it be that the TBers are right afterall?


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