--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <lengli...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > How 'bout it. It's a VERY simple question. Are
> > you willing to agree with Geezerfreak's state-
> > ment above, in the converse? Are you willing to 
> > state categorically in public, "There is a 
> > possibility that the TM critics here are right 
> > and I am wrong?"
> > 
> > Any of the above-listed posters who fail to 
> > answer are IMO pussies.
> > 
> > They can answer "Yes" or they can answer "No, 
> > but failure to answer in this case can and IMO
> > should be interpreted as a big, fat "No." And 
> > IMO *that* should be interpreted as fundament-
> > alism and the non-response of the "cultwhipped."
> What's the criticism?
> Judy and most other "TBers" on this forum agree with the
> TM critics on certain points already. On others, they disagree
> vehemently. SO, here's the converse question:
> could it be that the TBers are right afterall?

You didn't answer, pussy.

When you answer my question with a "Yes"
or "No" answer, then you have the right
to pose a diversionary question of your
own. Not until.

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