On Jun 12, 2009, at 10:43 AM, do.rflex wrote:

Apparently you're too dumb yourself to
see what is perfectly obvious, rd...that if
someone, like Palin, for example, does
everything she can to keep women (and
others) down, to make their lives as miserable
and as unequal as possible...then when she
becomes the target of jokes that she herself
has helped make semi-fashionable, there's a certain
poetic justice in that.  People are not going
to "defend" someone who the next minute
will turn around and call their daughters sluts
for doing the exact same thing her daughter did.

Palin deserves no respect, either as a woman
or anything else.  Deal with it.


In my view, Sarah Palin's overall ugly character and hypocritical 'family values' she displays in the public arena does women a gross disservice. I think she's a creepy human being.

The kind of jokes Letterman told aboput her were no different that any he's told thousands of times about BOTH men and women. That's what late night comedians DO!!!

Exactly.  And rd and others like her can't see
how they're being manipulated--how the right
wing often times uses women to put forth their
creepiest, most harmful views knowing that their
gender will, to a certain degree, innoculate them
agains criticism.  rd is playing right into that sick game.

Here's Letterman's response to Palin's complaints:

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHfJM7bMkac


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