--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "obbajeeba" <carc108@> wrote:
> >
> > Curious to know what people think here about Jyotish and the art of telling 
> > of this subject.  No one has to explain the subject that the sun is up 
> > there, and the moon too and the other planets hovering about, being on the 
> > inner and outer of life as the same, or the placements, etc.
> > Please do give any opinion or knowing of experiences with Jyotishi's. Good 
> > or bad. 
> >  What about the delivery of the subject in these modern times?
> > Experiences from skeptics, knowers are appreciated on this subject.
> > Please tell, oh great one!......?
> >
> Jyotish is a very technical subject, although a good intuitive sense is 
> needed to interpret the planetary positions, qualities and relationships.

The fact that it's a technical subject doesn't mean there is 
anything to it on a day-to-day useful level. In fact jyotish 
is far more complex tahn it needs to be beacuse when the charts
were first formulted they didn't know the earth was round or 
that it and the plantets went round the sun, in eliptical orbits.
The maths astrologers have to use to compensate for those 
understandable errors is horrendous but to stop using it
is to admit that the earth isn;t the middle of the universe 
and that if a field effect is responsible (which is what *is* proposed)the 
whole thing is wildly innacurate because of the 
extra distances planets travel away from us as they orbit the sun.

If you look at your jyotish chart, you will notice they don't
take that into account, and indeed couldn't because the logarithms
they use are designed to move everything into a relationship with
a stationary earth that they don't have!

And the predictably weird backwards and forward motions of planets
going "retrograde" is an illusion due to us appearing to overtake tham as we 
move round the sun, they are going in the same direction
at the same speed they usually do! The idea that it means there effects are 
reversed is revealed to be the nonsense that it is.

If there was any objective evidence that astrology worked none
of the above would matter but there isn't so why stick with it?

> Here's a good introduction to the subject if you're up to it:

Up to what? It's a good grounding in astronomy but doesn't
explain any of the ideas about why anyone would think the
planets affect our everyday lives.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxAZRvw2HxY&feature=PlayList&p=C871270CB37BE8A4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=20
> JR

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