--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodle...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "obbajeeba" <carc108@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Curious to know what people think here about Jyotish and the art of 
> > > telling of this subject.  No one has to explain the subject that the sun 
> > > is up there, and the moon too and the other planets hovering about, being 
> > > on the inner and outer of life as the same, or the placements, etc.
> > > Please do give any opinion or knowing of experiences with Jyotishi's. 
> > > Good or bad. 
> > >  What about the delivery of the subject in these modern times?
> > > Experiences from skeptics, knowers are appreciated on this subject.
> > > Please tell, oh great one!......?
> > >
> > 
> > Jyotish is a very technical subject, although a good intuitive sense is 
> > needed to interpret the planetary positions, qualities and relationships.
> The fact that it's a technical subject doesn't mean there is 
> anything to it on a day-to-day useful level. In fact jyotish 
> is far more complex tahn it needs to be beacuse when the charts
> were first formulted they didn't know the earth was round or 
> that it and the plantets went round the sun, in eliptical orbits.
> The maths astrologers have to use to compensate for those 
> understandable errors is horrendous but to stop using it
> is to admit that the earth isn;t the middle of the universe 
> and that if a field effect is responsible (which is what *is* proposed

Which volume of the Official Jyotish Docttrine is this in?  :)

In my reading of Jyotish material from various schools of thought (that is to 
say, there is NO ONE official jytotish doctrine) and not that I recall make a 
case for it being a "field effect" 

"designating or of an electronic component or device, esp. a transistor, 
controlled by an external electric field"

That may be your hypothesis as to what the core of jyotish is and you are 
welcome to present your model. 

I suggest that jytotish is a system of mapping the general type and timing of 
events in ones life. (this may be attributed to "individual's karma" but karma 
is a loaded word and without precise definition is guaranteed to lead 
discussions astray. Is a field effect necessary to postulate the workings of a 
watch? Why so then with jyotish?

As to whether jyotish has any power beyond random chance of identifying the 
type and timing of karma is certainly valid -- and there are no valid modern 
statistical studies on it so abundant skepticism is warranted. Personally, as a 
tool for general descriptions of type and timing of the unfoldment of events in 
my life -- it has more than not been uncanny -- though with a fair amount of 
noise surrounding the "signal". Not a proof -- but I don't have one for any of 
number of other things that "work" in my life.     

)the whole thing is wildly innacurate because of the 
> extra distances planets travel away from us as they orbit the sun.

So your model and explanation of jyotish doesn't hold water. I might 
focus on your having the wrong model, than making wild claims about the 
inaacuracy of Jyotish bsimply ecause your personal model of jytish is flawed. 

> If you look at your jyotish chart, you will notice they don't
> take that into account, and indeed couldn't because the logarithms
> they use are designed to move everything into a relationship with
> a stationary earth that they don't have!
> And the predictably weird backwards and forward motions of planets
> going "retrograde" is an illusion due to us appearing to overtake tham as we 
> move round the sun, they are going in the same direction
> at the same speed they usually do! The idea that it means there effects are 
> reversed is revealed to be the nonsense that it is.

And why is it nonesense? Again because in your personal unvalidated model , it 
doesn't make sense? Hardly a strong case against real world jyotish, though 
clearly a strong case agaisnt "figment of ones imagination" jytoish. :)
> If there was any objective evidence that astrology worked none
> of the above would matter but there isn't so why stick with it?

Amongst other things, you appear to blur your straw dogs. Would a study of 
astrology (as in some perhaps on particular branch of western astrology) 
invalidate jyotish. And which school of jyotish. Does invalidating one 
invalidate all others?  
> > Here's a good introduction to the subject if you're up to it:
> Up to what? It's a good grounding in astronomy but doesn't
> explain any of the ideas about why anyone would think the
> planets affect our everyday lives.

Again, who, besides what is happening inside your head, said that planets 
affect ones life? Yes, that does sound presposterous. But who said it? I can 
make parallel claims that the sun is making a clock tick. And then claim 
because that's preposterous, clockmaking is a foul preposterous scam. But then, 
if I did that, I wouldn't be making much sense, would I?
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxAZRvw2HxY&feature=PlayList&p=C871270CB37BE8A4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=20
> > 
> > JR
> >

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