--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> >
> > The maths astrologers have to use to compensate for those 
> > understandable errors is horrendous but to stop using it
> > is to admit that the earth isn;t the middle of the universe 
> > and that if a field effect is responsible (which is what *is* 
> > proposed
> Which volume of the Official Jyotish Docttrine is this in?  :)
> In my reading of Jyotish material from various schools of 
> thought (that is to say, there is NO ONE official jytotish 
> doctrine) and not that I recall make a case for it being a 
> "field effect" 

Absolutely. I'm looking at the Jyotish Doctrine
right now, the 834th edition, and it says clearly,
"The effect of the planetary bodies on humans is
caused by Woo Woo. In particular, Shiva's Woo Woo."

So there, Mr. Smarty Pants Hugo!


> I suggest that jytotish is a system of mapping the general 
> type and timing of events in ones life. (this may be attributed 
> to "individual's karma" but karma is a loaded word and without 
> precise definition is guaranteed to lead discussions astray. Is 
> a field effect necessary to postulate the workings of a watch? 
> Why so then with jyotish?

Right on again. "Mapping the general type and timing
of events in one's life," and using them to predict
the future, is JUST as valid IMO as saying, "Hey, I
was flipping coins just now and got four 'heads' in
a row. Therefore the next time I flip the coin it'll
come up 'heads.'"  :-)

"The map is not the territory." In this case, it's 
probably not even a very good map, since it relies
on cartography skills from a time long before paper
had been invented to draw the charts on.

Juat an opinion, and a Sagittarian one at that...  :-)

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