On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> I have a collection of personal, insider notes from a Purusha as to what
> "knowledge" was being digested at various times. You can see from them who
> M. was meeting with and later what programs were being fabricated from those
> meetings. He basically would meet with various experts in various fields and
> use the information that fit his system and discard those that didn't. It
> did not matter if this distorted these teachings, he was supposedly
> restoring the purity of the tradition...
> A great example of how course and knowledge material would be created was
> the 700-page source material for the Age of Enlightenment courses and
> techniques. It was a huge pile of photocopies from common Sanskrit
> translations in those daze, a lot on the number 7 and how creation
> inherently was based on different permutations of 7. A lot of Arthur Avalon.
> Descriptions of the various heavens and hells, chakra systems, etc.
> All those late night lectures came from students reading him this stuff
It's up to each of us to decide if Maharishi had special knowledge of
creation from his alleged omniscience which allowed him to go through this
process "restoring the purity of the tradition".  Maharishi was acting on
whims, as he always did.  Whether or not what he taught was perfect,
entirely guided by the three goons, is at question here, IMO.  What
Maharishi did distorted the teachings if the interpretation of the teachings
had gotten off the path.  So now we're back to one of the seminal arguments
on FFL:  was Maharishi acting in an undistorted way from the home of all the
laws of Nature or wasn't he.

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