On Apr 26, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> I occasionally get an invite to "join so and so on (fill in the 
> blank)".  Most recently on LinkedIn, a place I call "desperation row."  
> A friend already tricked me into signing on to LinkedIn a few years ago 
> under my own name and I'm not going to sign up under my handles.  I also 
> have no interest in Facebook.  LinkedIn annoys me because there are two 
> groups with the same name for the company I worked at and I know that 
> I've gotten requests again from folks I worked with on one group and 
> added because they joined the other.  What really annoys me about these 
> groups is some twenty something telling me "what I'm supposed to do."

I was recently at a party with a guy who was trying to recruit us for the East 
Coast version of "Burning Man" (held in Delaware). One of his ideas was to have 
a hotdog stand where the men had to show their penis to get a hot dog and their 
ass to get a bun. I told him: 'Are you crazy? The minute those images hit 
Facebook, we'd all be international laughing stocks'.

If I'm so enamored with myself that I need to post pictures or my activities 
(Twitter) on the web, daily, I need the therapist's couch, not online access.

It's funny though interacting with 20-somethings. Their collective impatience 
has surpassed that of even the "me generation".

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