On 04/26/2011 02:09 PM, Vaj wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> I occasionally get an invite to "join so and so on (fill in the
>> blank)".  Most recently on LinkedIn, a place I call "desperation row."
>> A friend already tricked me into signing on to LinkedIn a few years ago
>> under my own name and I'm not going to sign up under my handles.  I also
>> have no interest in Facebook.  LinkedIn annoys me because there are two
>> groups with the same name for the company I worked at and I know that
>> I've gotten requests again from folks I worked with on one group and
>> added because they joined the other.  What really annoys me about these
>> groups is some twenty something telling me "what I'm supposed to do."
> I was recently at a party with a guy who was trying to recruit us for the 
> East Coast version of "Burning Man" (held in Delaware). One of his ideas was 
> to have a hotdog stand where the men had to show their penis to get a hot dog 
> and their ass to get a bun. I told him: 'Are you crazy? The minute those 
> images hit Facebook, we'd all be international laughing stocks'.
> If I'm so enamored with myself that I need to post pictures or my activities 
> (Twitter) on the web, daily, I need the therapist's couch, not online access.
> It's funny though interacting with 20-somethings. Their collective impatience 
> has surpassed that of even the "me generation".

You know how it is when you're twenty: you know everything.  Putting up 
with kids that think because they grew up with computers they are the 
masters of them is also ridiculous especially if they were born after 
you started programming software.

I just posted that little message more as a courtesy so the folks would 
know I'm not ignoring them.  I also have two blogs and several web 
sites.  That's more than enough.  Oh and to top that off YouTube seems 
to think it is a social network these days.

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