On Apr 26, 2011, at 6:44 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> You know how it is when you're twenty: you know everything.  Putting up 
> with kids that think because they grew up with computers they are the 
> masters of them is also ridiculous especially if they were born after 
> you started programming software.

Maybe I should become known as the guy who brought down the Playa del Fuego net?

I mean all you'd have to do is unplug these kids. :-)

Hatchet Vaj? Kinda has a nice ring to it.

> I just posted that little message more as a courtesy so the folks would 
> know I'm not ignoring them.  I also have two blogs and several web 
> sites.  That's more than enough.  Oh and to top that off YouTube seems 
> to think it is a social network these days.

Call me old fashioned, but I'm sorry, a blog is where the real 'I own the 
printing press' lies for the modern man. If you don't have enough to say 
articulately say it in a blog, don't expect me to endure your tweets and your 

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