On Aug 7, 2011, at 10:03 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

> What I get from this was that we have  a women who had breast cancer, was 
> treated by Chopra at an Ayurvedic clinic, was declared to be cured and died 
> shortly thereafter.  Is this not the the case? 
> It appears to me that the case he trying to make is that her Ayurvedic 
> treatments did not cure the cancer in spite of claims to the contrary as 
> evidenced by her death.  For if she had been cured of her cancer, she would 
> not have died within a year of being cured by her cancer, presuming the cause 
> of death was cancer.
> These seem to be reasonable conclusions.  What am I missing?
What you may be missing is that these are beliefs numerous Maharishi Ayurveda 
MD's acquired from the Maharishi himself, who told numerous people they'd be 
cured of their terminal illnesses, who then died. Darth Veda then even had the 
sensitivity to send out his collection people to their grieving relatives homes 
to collect on the money. This all according to the Maharishi's personal 

These were learned behaviors.

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