--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> Xeno
> > > I do not think of you as a liar, but something seems to be
> > > getting you riled up. If you are feeling angry at these
> > > people, I would wonder what the source really is. Anger
> > > destroys balance of mind, I know this from first hand 
> > > experience, and the source of that anger may be completely
> > > hidden in us, it is seldom the current situation that is
> > > the source, the current situation is the trigger.
> Judy
> > This is cheap armchair psychobabble that's really 
> > designed to distract from the issue of Skolnick's
> > integrity and somehow put the onus on me instead. I'll
> > deal with my anger, such as it may be, on my own terms,
> > not with your long-distance impression and
> > interpretation thereof, thank you very much.
> Wow, I may have to amend my Atheism if God keeps serving 
> up these gifts on a Sunday morning no less!  Plus I get 
> a little lesson in empathy because I can definitely feel 
> your pain Judy.
> This one's a keeper. 

One can certainly see how distracting from the issue
of the integrity of a person who last posted to 
alt.meditation.transcendental (as far as I can tell
from a quick search) *in 1999* might upset Judy and
cause her such anger (such as it may be) that she
feels the need to lash out at the person who doesn't
find that as important as she does. 

I mean, something that happened 12 years ago on one
tiny, largely unread cesspool of a newsgroup is just 
SO much more important than anything that's happening 
here and now, today. 

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