So now its thing you know it'll be a form of consciousness; 
co-dependence...or something...

From: whynotnow7 <>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:55:00 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MZ - You don't know the references

It might help if he stopped meditating on "alabama".:-) Vaj has *never* passed 
my smell test wrt TM, either practicing it or teaching it. Another BS artist on 

--- In, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> RC
> Vag's so-called critique is based upon Mahayana Buddhist Shastra.
> He applies their schema which they use to develop their powers
> of  concentration to the mechanics of TM/TM-Sidhi. In essence, this is
> how he believes he can prove that TM/TM-Sidhi is an erroneous practice.
> He ignores the MahaMudra and Dzogchen practices which supersede these
> Mahayana Shastra practices because they are closer to effortless TM. In
> fact
> he claims that any object of attention (alambana/support) in meditation
> necessarily keeps awareness bound to relative functioning and prevents
> the
> mind from resolving into its source/origin.
> Read it and weep, Curtis.
> --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Curtis,
> >
> > Your argument that Vaj could very well be a TM meditator and TM
> initiator is explained entirely by a scientific and skeptical frame of
> reference. The artist in you is held in abeyance. I refute the entire
> basis upon which you make this thesis. Did you read my two posts to him,
> Curtis? The only way I can explain your position vis-a-vis Vaj's claim
> to be a TMer and (once) a Maharishi-ized person is that you yourself,
> miraculously, have escaped from all the effects of doing TM, teaching
> TM, and spending four years at MIU getting a degree in philosophy. I
> would like you to consider putting to music your argument with Judy: it
> is not *inspired*. It is very clever, brilliant even, but I don't buy it
> as coming from that place in you where your heart fuels your
> intelligence. You will smack me down but good for all this, but I detect
> something mischievously pseudo-Socratic in this whole dialectical piece
> (with Judy). Of course you just *might be dead right*, but if you are
> (i.e. that Vaj was once a TMer and an initiator) it won't be for the
> reasons you adduce. It will be because of an entirely different
> principle. What, I don't know. Vaj's allegiance to his anti-TM,
> anti-Maharishi position is entirely *non-reactive* to any previous
> experience of TM and Maharishi. It is coming from a different place. For
> all I know his dismissal of TM as negative compared to other Eastern
> spiritual practices, and Maharishi as a false Guru compared to other
> Eastern spiritual teachers—that is, based on the criteria and
> evidence he applies—may be the correct view. I don't think it is
> (vide my last post to him); but I would not want to go to the wall
> insisting I am right and he is wrong.
> >
> <snip>


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