On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:03 PM, whynotnow7 <whynotn...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> "The movement belongs to those who move. Those who were stuck on the idea
> that the movement and the TMO were ONLY about the 7-step program were,
> well, stuck. I think M and TM were always a moving target about gateways to
> consciousness and purifying collective consciousness, via a lot of
> different avenues."
> Exactly. I was initiated in late 75, then in 78 I worked for the Movement
> in LManor, for $5 per month and an unheated cabin, just after it became a
> men's only facility, working in the kitchen and the A of E press for a
> year. We were hosting Guv training courses with the flying technique then
> too - lots of whooping and hollering! The staff meditators went on
> residence courses one weekend a month and normally had a 2x2 daily
> schedule, but the siddhis were taught in blocks then, and I wasn't selected
> for the first block.
> Came back to work for the Movement in mid 79 to mid 80, about 100 miles
> east of Kansas City, MO, building a 30 room residence course and flying
> hall facility, farming 14 acres of organic strawberries, and tending a 10
> acre apple orchard and pressing facility next door. Got the Siddhis as
> work/study, with a $25/mo. stipend, living out of an unheated garage, and
> then a trailer. Didn't pay any taxes that year either...:-)
> Then one more time around 82, I went to work for the Missouri facility
> again, decided I wanted to be a teacher, applied for TTC, then took a much
> closer look at what the Movement was, and how different it was from where I
> wanted to be, so I left, and that was that.
> I continued to do the TM-Sid program for another 12 years, went on my last
> course in the early 90's - that big DC one, then did TM until about March
> of this year, when the practice just fell off and wasn't missed (though
> always available).
I worked on the Houston (Navasota, Grimes County) capital for room and
board.  And yes, shared an unheated cabin.   Barhroom was the bushes
outside.  Yes, it gets cold in Texas during the Winter.    Maharishi was
absolutely right.  The movement belongs to those who move large quantities
of cash across national borders, undetected.

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